
Big Changes in Our Universe & The Super-Storm Coming…

Today You’re Going to Hear About Some Big Changes in Our Universe & The Super-Storm
That CNN and Fox News Haven’t reported on yet… So Let’s Dive Into It!


Hey everyone!

Look, I hope my title of today’s blog post didn’t

scare the crap out of you, but if it did, that’s ok.


There’s some changes coming into our universe

of Network Marketing as well as all the way to

Internet and Direct Marketing…


…that’s going to be creating momentum like a



If you’ve been struggling or even succeeding

for any amount of time in our industry…

…You know one thing.


And that is, that most people that try to break

into our industry and “make it big” ultimately FAIL.


But why? Why the heck do they come into our

market and industry, and just keep failing, failing,

and failing?


Is it because they are bad hearted people?

Is it because they are just plain greedy?

Or… is it because they are lazy slobs?


No, no, and actually, No.


I’ve watched good-hearted, giving, even

entrepreneurial minded people… FAIL.


They keep falling flat on their faces and

every time they ask “Why?”


Here’s what I’ve come to realize and is actually

one of the biggest factors to realize especially

new people are dealing with…


… discouragement/burnout.

Here’s my opinion on why this happens:


It’s because the time frame between when

they join an opportunity or start up a business


…when they finally make their first couple

thousand dollars to kick start them…

…is just too friggin’ long.


Now, if you are a serious student of success

you’ll understand that the problem is never the

“problem” but it’s the PERSON.


But while expert and top earners are all aware

of that… there are actually other factors as well.


For instance if you have a new person who took

immediate action in their business, and was able

to build their list up to 100 people, and they

really worked hard… but no sales….


…that really really sucks. For both the sponsor,

and the new person!


At this point burn-out is right around the corner.

This is a turning point of crucial importance.


Most sponsors are also too busy to step in

and “hold hands” with this person as well!


…And continues the legend of the 97% failureΒ 

rate in our industry.


Is anybody else as concerned about this like I

am? I know there are a few. And I respect you.


But here’s where the “Changes in our Universe…

… and the Super-Storm” come into play.


The next BIG shift in Network Marketing particularly

is the shift from just the “big names” making money..

…to… the “nobodies” making money WITH THEM.


How powerful do you think it will be once you

have a system that can use Massive Leverage

to create sales for “New Guys” as quickly and

powerfully as it creates sales for “big names”…


… and doesn’t require tons of training and skills

to make it happen for “Joe, the new guy”?


The ability to make HUGE amounts of money in

network marketing comes from the ability to

not only create sales on a consistent basis…

from traffic sources such as:


-Email lists


-Solo Ads



-And etc….


But now… it can create MAGIC when leaders learn

how to CULTIVATE TEAMS and unite them into

armies that are POWERFUL.


You’ll get sale after sale from team events…

and you won’t know where they come from…

…because YOU aren’t making those sales

happen. Your team is. Thank you Team!


They will THANK YOU too. Because you

took the time to INVEST in their futures and

to believe in them, even when they had no

belief left inside themselves. They are excited

and HAPPY to promote YOU and make sales

for YOU. Amazing trade isn’t it!


At the end of the day, a true leader will focus

not on his own sales… but getting his people

sales. You’ll focus on creating and cultivating

a “Leadership Factory” for your team.


The most prosperous powerful teams in the

world use this strategy because it WORKS. πŸ™‚




… Imagine having a system that will get new people

SALES once they start getting a decent lead flow.


Well, that’s the SHIFT in our universe.


And I can bet 90% of the companies in our

industry are oblivious to this underground

movement, as of now.


Although… there’s some people behind this

shift that have their hearts in it for the people.


They have from the start, and will continue to

build their legacy of empowering the people.


I can’t tell you everything about it….

… but there is one thing you can do to learn

about this shift and be involved in the masses

of people and money that are flowing in this

direction right now.


Click THIS LINK right here.

And put your email in so you’re on my list.

You’ll be introduced to the system responsible

for the SHIFT that is happening, as we speak.


Are you ready for the “Super-Storm” that this

is going to create… in terms of momentum?


We have already been experiencing masses

of people uprooting themselves and making

a more powerful choice to get in our system

and start making huge changes in their incomes.


Of course income disclaimer is at the bottom

of this blog post…


But I’ve never seen the momentum that I’m

seeing now.


If you are serious about your future and your

teams future… and want to be successful..

… jump on this right away. πŸ™‚


Here’s the link again.


I’ll see you soon,



Use Social Media to Get Sales? Yeah…Here’s How!

In today's post you'll learn how to use social media
to make sales in your listen up, take
notes, and let's get started!Β 



Hey everyone!


It’s Doug here.

Look, I been hearing people ask the question

quite a lot:


Can I really use Social Media to get sales?


Here’s the answer… YES!!


Now before you start dancing around your

living room, let me make something clearΒ about this.

Don’t fall for the idea of “Something for Nothing”

… because that never ever, ever works, period. πŸ™‚


But, here’s what I can show you-


How you can do a little bit of work every day..

…and PROFIT from social media channels!


So without further ramblings.. let’s get into it.



The first thing you need to have online, before

you’ll ever make a profit is an “Offer”.

Something to SELL in other words.Β 

The niche or market it up to you of course…

but I’ll just use my niche for an example.

I’m in the “Make Money Online” niche.


I teach and train people on how they can

use the internet to grow businesses, and

essentially figure out how to “Make Money Online”.


Got your offer picked? Good. One other thing…

… make sure you can get at LEAST $97/sale.

Just do yourself a favor and make sure your

product pays at least that much. πŸ™‚



Next, I’m going to get into some strategies on how

to USE social media as a TOOL rather than a



Here’s the deal… Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest,

Instagram, and all of these platforms are social places.


BUT… little do most people know that social can also

include conversations about “BUSINESS” and that

it’s not against anybody’s terms to contact people

and talk about it, and use that to recruit!




So here’s what to do:


-Shoot a Value-Video for Your Market.

Anything that your market wants to learn or know about.
Remember that as you get better… you’ll get more views,
likes, comments and subscribers. πŸ™‚ Note that if you keep
your video under 10 minutes, that will make more people
click on it and view it. Additionally, you’ll be able to direct
share your video on Facebook, if you want that option.


-Upload the Video to YouTube

This is obvious but don’t forget to do this…
…you can also use other video sites as well.
Make sure you include your affiliate link in the description
so that you can refer your viewers to “Click the Link”
in the description, and you’ll get your OFFER in front
of potential buyers. Once you have enough traffic,
you’ll start seeing SALES.* πŸ™‚


-Share to Facebook Wall, Pages, and Groups

This is really simple. Just pop the YouTube link into
the post, and it will automatically share your video
to your followers and friends. If you only have a
personal wall, try building a page as well. Once
you start getting ‘likers’ on your page they will
see your videos every time you share them. πŸ™‚


-Use Video In a Blog Post

This is really easy because you’re video is on YouTube
now… just open your video up, go down to the share
section below the video, and find the “embed” option.
Copy the embed code, and then paste it wherever you
want the video to be inside your blog post.
At the end of your blog post… make sure to direct your
readers to “Click the Link Below” so they can get in
front of your OFFER. This can and will make SALES.* πŸ™‚


-Share your Video Blog Post to Twitter

Use or some link shortening service, and create a link
to your video blog post. Use that link to share on twitter,
also use #hashtags to get a little more exposure.
Once you get enough followers you’ll see how this can
actually get you traffic and sales, from twitter. (Surprise!) πŸ™‚


-Share your Video Blog Post to Google+

Google+ is a great place to share this kind of content.
Believe it or not.. I get subscribers and traffic from G+.
Go ahead and share it on there, and once you see
your actual post is finished, click the “share” button
on your post, and share your post into at least 20


-Share a Thumbnail of Your Video on Instagram

If you don’t have an Instagram account, go ahead
and create one. πŸ™‚ This is a great way to get lots
of followers and people to talk to and recruit into
any company, or refer to your offer. πŸ™‚
Make sure you use all relevant #hashtags that you
can. πŸ™‚


-Share Video Thumbnail on Pinterest

Same thing here on pinterest… there’s a lot of
traffic on this site… and it’s all powered by pictures.
Make sure to include a link back to your video blog. πŸ™‚



Ok, I hope you caught all of that!Β 

Here’s what I realized once I started using theseΒ 

methods… there’s a LOT of TRAFFIC out there!!


The only difference between you and maybe the

success stories that you wish you were experiencing…

… is one thing… Sales. Yep. Just SALES!


You’re not a “bad” person. YOU deserve SUCCESS. Period.

-I don’t care if you have a “shady” past.

-I don’t care if you’ve failed, over and over.

-I don’t care if you grew up poor.

-I don’t care if you feel like you’re cursed to be poor.Β (LOL.)


It’s NOT about these things! It’s about YOU getting sales.

And this is where it starts… Getting Traffic.


Where does traffic come from?Β 

Content. Pretty much that’s how it’s created!


Don’t get me wrong… there’s “Paid Traffic“… but guess how

that traffic is actually made? From Searches, primarily.
Google is the biggest website in the world. Facebook is one

of the next biggest. Google is all powered by “searchers“.

Facebook is powered by “Social People“. Pretty simple. πŸ™‚


When you begin to get your blog in the top of google searches…

… you’ll start to see the POWER of having all of these people

who are interested in your niche ON YOUR SITE… and clicking

YOUR LINKS to get in front of YOUR OFFER! That means SALES.*


So I hope you understand this. It’s huge potential!


This is how you can “Make Money with Social Media” like I

told you I’d share with you today. I had a blast helping you out

with this, and remember as always…

… I’m here for ya! I’m committed to our community. I’m here to actually

help you get results. πŸ™‚


So, I hope I helped you get one step closer to your dreams today.Β 

Jump on this right now, and begin implementing!


Talk Soon,



P.S. – The people on my team get access to

EVERYTHING that I teach and train on. Get

access to my personal email, and facebook

so you can connect with successful people

and bring your business to the level YOU want.*Β πŸ™‚

Click this link and get our team System ($147 Value)

for 100% FREE, Today:

This IS ACTUALLY limited time.Β Not joking.

When the system goes out for LAUNCH…

It won’t be free anymore.Β So JUMP on this now!

See you on the inside.

Previous Posts:

5/7- “How to Get More Signups & Sales”

5/6- “Getting Rich is Easy… But Not How You Think”

*Income Disclaimer:

“Any statements of income proof or potential are not “claims” of income and

are not guarantees of income. Results expressed in this blog post are NOT

typical, and some people will have NO results at all. Results come to people

who work hard, and are committed and willing to invest time and even money

into having what they want. If you aren’t willing to work, this will NOT work for

you or for ANYONE else in the world. If you are a person who is committed

to having what you want, no matter what happens… You CAN have it!

Keep it frosty my friends. πŸ™‚



How to Get More Sign-ups & Sales…Starting Today.

In today’s post you’ll learn how to get more sign-ups & sales in your business! So let’s begin!

Generate Leads


Hey everyone!

It’s Doug here, and today I got something very special as well as important for you and your business…

… and I know you’ll get HUGE value today by listening and implementing what you learn. πŸ™‚

So let’s get right into it!


Today I’m talking about getting MORE SALES

and MORE SIGN-UPS in your business.

Please note that this can be used for ANY business.


I’m not going to hold back anything today…

… everything that I know about getting signups

and sales you’re going to learn it ALL. πŸ™‚


Here’s where it all starts:

Getting a LEAD.

I know that sounds too easy and simple.

That’s the irony of it! It is Simple.

It just has to happen before anything else. πŸ™‚


So, here’s a list of ways to create a lead

or also know as a “subscriber” for your business:


Shoot a video and upload it to Youtube.
You can go even further and upload it to
5 more video sites, just google it and you’ll
have a list of video sites.

-Blog Post
Write a blog post about a topic that your
potential market wants to learn or hear
about. If you are in a mlm or program that
helps people learn “how to make money”
than search what your market wants to

-Audio Recording
This is a great way to get leads, because
can use this piece of content and distribute
it in a lot of different places.

-Live Hangout
Live Hangouts are a lot of fun, especially if
you just focus on bringing value… and not
sell too much.

-Social Media Post
Social Media is a bit of a tricky one, because
of the nature of marketers to abuse the method.
But, this is still effective, especially in connecting
with current customers and leads. This is also
the perfect place to display results proof.

-Free Kindle Book
This is really cool. Take any subject in a niche
market that you’re in… and create a book of say
about 50 pages. Make sure you use good structure
and provide really good value. Make sure you
make a “Lead Generator” at the end of the book.
A place where they can click a link, and it sends
them to your landing page to collect subscribers
and give them even more value. πŸ™‚

This is a big one. You also need to focus on
making sure you use this effectively. Mass
mailing, and as well as direct emailing
manually… it CAN be effective. You must use
it the right way. Honestly I only use opt in lists
to promote to. πŸ™‚

-Conference Phone Call
This isn’t a new idea… but it still works!
Start doing a call at a specific time of day
where people can expect you to be there
and include your callers interaction in the
call as well. Also talk about relevant things.

-SMS Text Message
This is a lot like email marketing… but more
personal. Make sure you have permission..
and always keep your messages short,
punchy, and to the point.

-Print Advertisement
Print ads can be a really good way to generate
leads. These still work, believe it or not.
Testing different papers is a way to find the
highest converting paper to place ads in.

-Digital Advertisement
Now this is the BIG one. And for good reason!
This is really the thing that’s working the very
best, and quickest… as well as the ability to
scale extremely quickly. I could write a whole
course on this subject literally. Think $$. πŸ™‚

-Direct Phone Call
These are on the bottom of the list for a reason.
They still work, but are really “low leverage”
methods. Meaning it takes a lot of time to do…
with little results. There’s some potential though.

-Direct Conversation
Nearly the same with this. You can hit up someone
at starbucks, or any other socially oriented place
and see if you can get them to go to your website
and enter their email to get your “free thing”.
I’d only recommend this if you have done everything
else you can first. πŸ™‚

-Direct Chat Conversation
This may be the best “direct” form of lead generation
that there is. You can chat thousands of facebook
users, as well as instagram, twitter and whatsapp
users.. and just have a conversation, and get them
to go to your website. Β The reason why this is the
best of all the direct forms is because you can use
this on a larger level, meaning simultaneously
chatting many at once.


So, those are all ideas I just got from thinking

of ways to generate leads. πŸ™‚


You can do all of these!

These aren’t all “free” methods… but here’s a little

secret about lead generating that you might find





Because PAID means you can use your
money to “work for you” instead of
“you working for your money”.

It’s called LEVERAGE. πŸ™‚

While your ad is being displayed in front of thousands
of potential leads… you can be living LIFE.

Or even…

doing “free” lead generation WHILE the paid
methods are working at the same time!
You can get thousands of leads DAILY with
properly using both methods at the same

This means you ARE going to getSALES.


I know people personally, who are using ONLY

paid methods in their business… and getting results

daily, aka leads in their inbox… and simply living

their life how they want to.


Using their gift of time to be with family, friends,

and fellow comrades and partners, living it up!


So you know now… you can get wealthy with
either one of these methods, or both. πŸ™‚


So I told you I’d deliver today, and I have. πŸ™‚


I want to make sure I encourage you to write

down of copy and paste these methods onto

your computer, and USE THEM!!
Try starting out with just 1 today.

And then grow from there till you’re using

all of them!


I had a blast making this for you…

… and what I really want to see is YOU getting

results in your business, ASAP. πŸ™‚


I appreciate you reading today, and I want you

to know that I’m here for ya!


Talk Soon,



P.S. – The people on my team get access to

EVERYTHING that I teach and train on. Get

access to my personal email, and facebook

so you can connect with successful people

and bring your business to the level YOU want. πŸ™‚


Click this link and get our team System ($147 Value)

for 100% FREE, Today:


This IS ACTUALLY limited time. Not joking.

When the system goes out for LAUNCH…

It won’t be free anymore. So JUMP on this now!


See you on the inside.





Welcome to my personal blog!

Hey everyone!

It’s Doug Broadbent here.

My Family

(That’s a picture of our little family above)


Welcome to my brand new personal blog!

This is going to be simple and quick.

Here’s what you can expect to learn by reading my blog

and following along as we go through our journey

to success, which is always moving forward!


I’m going to blog about the following topics:


-Home Business

-How to make money online

-Personal Development


-Financial Freedom

-Internet Marketing


As you can tell, they all go hand in hand in many ways

and they are all important to your success online, and

in all other areas of life. πŸ™‚


I’m excited to start this journey and training as well

as a meaningful relationship with YOU. Β πŸ™‚


Talk Soon,
